Buildings/residentialDeemed savingsGUIDEMarket based instruments 28 – Evaluating energy savings from Energy Efficiency Obligation schemes in the residential sector using deemed savings
Buildings/residentialDeemed savingsGUIDELegislative/Normative 02 – Evaluating Minimum standards on efficiency in Residential building using Deemed savings
Deemed savingsFinancial supportGUIDEHouseholds appliances 14 – Evaluating Financial incentives on energy efficiency for Household appliances using the Deemed savings method
Buildings/residentialDeemed savingsGUIDELegislative/Informative 06 – Evaluating energy savings from mandatory energy labelling for household appliances using billing analysis
Deemed savingsFreight transportGUIDEInformation/EducationPassenger transport 26 – Evaluating information policies on energy efficiency in transport using deemed savings
AgricultureBuildings/non-residentialBuildings/residentialEconometric price elasticityFiscal/TariffsFreight transportGUIDEHouseholds appliancesIndustry/generalIndustry/specificPassenger transportServices devices 22 – Evaluating taxation for energy efficiency in end-use sectors using elasticity analysis
Buildings/residentialFinancial supportGUIDEStock Modelling 10 – Evaluating Grants & subsidies measures on energy efficiency in the Residential buildings using Deemed savings
Econometric modellingEnergy indicator equipmentFinancial supportGUIDEIndustry/generalVoluntary and Cooperative 17 – Specific guidance on evaluating Financial incentives on energy efficiency in Industry using the Unit consumption method
Engineering estimateFinancial supportGUIDEIndustry/specificVoluntary and Cooperative 16 – Evaluating government subsidy scheme for voluntary agreement on energy efficiency in industry, using engineering estimate method
Buildings/residentialGUIDELegislative/NormativeMeasurement 01 – Evaluating Normative legislative policies on energy efficiency in Residential buildings using Measurement