The Knowledge Base includes different types of references: evaluation reports, papers, guidebooks, EPATEE case studies, etc.
You can perform simple searches, using one or several of the following criteria:
– Type of reference (evaluation reports, guidebooks, review papers, etc.)
– Type of policy instrument, sectors
– Geographical scope and languages
– EPATEE case studies
You can also perform advanced searches, using additional criteria such as type of evaluation methods, baseline, adjustments, impacts, etc.
Case studies
Following is a list of case studies performed in the EPATEE project:
- Austria ufi aid for environmental protection measures in companies
- Austria Vienna energy efficiency programme
- Belgium primes energie
- Croatia individual heat metering
- Croatia renovation programme for public sector buildings
- Denmark eeo scheme
- Finland energy audits in municipalities
- Finland energy efficiency agreement for industries
- France CO2 targets programme
- France investments for the future
- Germany energy efficiency fund
- Germany energy efficiency networks initiative
- Ireland better energy homes
- Italy white certificates
- Lithuania renovation programme with EU funding
- Netherlands mja3 voluntary agreements in the non-ets sectors
- Netherlands purchase tax for passenger cars
- Netherlands subsidy scheme for energy savings in social housing of Amsterdam
- Nordic countries nordsyn and the effect project market surveillance
- UK supplier obligations
- UK warm front
- US iso New England capacity market
- US weatherization assistance program