USER SURVEY ABOUT TOOLBOX 1 - E-mail address 2 - What kind of stakeholder are you? Company ESCO Association Ministry Municipality Other, please specify 3. Have you been involved in the evaluation of an energy efficiency policy or programme? yes, as an evaluation customer yes, as an evaluator no 4 - Which of the three homepage boxes are you most interested in? Evaluation principles and methods Specific evaluation guidelines Knowledge base and case studies 4.1 - What did you appreciate most with respect to other website/tools dedicated to evaluation of energy policies? 5 - Have you been able to find the information you were looking for? Yes, easily Yes, with some effort No 5.1 - If not: what do you think is missing? More intuitive navigation, please specifiy Other sectors to be evaluated More relevant case studies Advice on statistical methods Discussion forum More detailed information More actionable device Less detailed/shorter documents Contact persons/contact for advice Other, please specifiy About the structure of the toolbox 6 - Do you find the three homepage boxes a good structure and starting point? Yes No I didn’t understand what they meant 7 - Do you think the section “Evaluation principles & methods” is easy to navigate? Yes No 7.1 - If not: What would you improve? Add a general introduction/guide on the toolbox homepage Add a “guidance” about evaluation for users with no or minimum knowledge about it Add a general search function Other, please specify 8 - Do you think the section “Knowledge base & case studies” is easy to navigate? Yes No 8.1 - If not: What would you improve? Add a general introduction/guide on the toolbox homepage Add a “guidance” about evaluation for users with no or minimum knowledge about it Add a general search function Other (please specify) 9 - Do you think the section “Specific evaluation guidance” is easy to navigate? Yes No 9.1 - If not: What would you improve? Add a general introduction/guide on the homepage Add a general introduction/guide on the section page Add a “guidance” about evaluation for users with no or minimum knowledge about it Add a general search function Other (please specify) 10 - Did you use the wizard function? Yes No 10.1 - If yes, do you think it is useful? Yes, definitely It could be No 10.2 - If not, what would you improve? 11 - Do you think you will use the tool in the future? Yes No Yes, but only if ... 12 - Please leave comments and suggestions here Time's up