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1 - E-mail address

2 - What kind of stakeholder are you?

3. Have you been involved in the evaluation of an energy efficiency policy or programme?

4 - Which of the three homepage boxes are you most interested in?

4.1 - What did you appreciate most with respect to other website/tools dedicated to evaluation of energy policies?

5 - Have you been able to find the information you were looking for?

5.1 - If not: what do you think is missing?

About the structure of the toolbox

6 - Do you find the three homepage boxes a good structure and starting point?

7 - Do you think the section “Evaluation principles & methods” is easy to navigate?

7.1 - If not: What would you improve?

8 - Do you think the section “Knowledge base & case studies” is easy to navigate?

8.1 - If not: What would you improve?

9 - Do you think the section “Specific evaluation guidance” is easy to navigate?

9.1 - If not: What would you improve?

10 - Did you use the wizard function?

10.1 - If yes, do you think it is useful?

10.2 - If not, what would you improve?

11 - Do you think you will use the tool in the future?

12 - Please leave comments and suggestions here