Evaluation methodology selection wizard

Methodology finder – Grants and subsidies – Freight transport

Available policy / sector / method combinations described in specific evaluation guides

  • Engineering estimate [GUIDE 19]
    This method requires data on the amount of energy saved as a result of the changes in large specific installations. Engineering estimates are a very suitable method for this. The method will provide the energy savings for a single installation. In this case the energy savings in different installations will differ quite a lot, which requires collecting the energy savings results of all installations separately and add them up to get the total effect of the policy.

Evaluation methodology comparison table

Evaluation method Pros & cons Method characteristics Required input data
  Pro Con Savings output Aggregation level Application (ex-ante/ex-post) Energy use before and after actions Number of energy saving actions Energy saved per action Normalisation factors Gross-to-net adjustments
Deemed savings
Fallback methodology: services – other / deemed [PSMC 13]
Cheap Imprecise Unitary, mostly system Bottom-up Ex-ante and ex-post No (covered in savings) By complementary method To be estimated No (covered in method) E.g. free riders (in case of subsidies)
Engineering estimate Precise Expensive Unitary, complex system Bottom-up Ex-ante and ex-post For each system By complementary method No, follows from method No (method on normalised case) E.g. non-compliance