wizard Evaluation methodology selection wizard

Methodology finder – Normative legislative policies – Residential buildings

Available policy / sector / method combinations described in specific evaluation guides

  • Measurement [GUIDE 1]
    The measurement method requires measuring of the energy consumption of a single piece of equipment or a single installation to calculate the gross energy saved. Corrections may be needed to calculate the net energy savings, for example for the operational hours. The method will provide the energy savings for a single installation or piece of equipment.
  • Deemed savings [GUIDE 2]
    Deemed savings are a set of pre-determined savings values for efficiency measures that are calculated on the basis of data and assumptions from various sources available beforehand (e.g. previous studies, manufacturers data, national statistics, expert estimates, etc.). Deemed savings can also take the form of an algorithm, providing a formula that processes input data for arriving at a savings estimate. Deemed savings have a multitude of benefits; they are fast, easy to calculate, constant and predictable. Because of those traits, deemed values are commonly used to estimate energy savings from efficiency programs. Deemed savings are usually unitary energy savings, which means they are applicable to energy saving actions at the level of a single dwelling, installation or piece of equipment.

Evaluation methodology comparison table

Evaluation method Pros & cons Method characteristics Required input data
  Pro Con Savings output Aggregation level Application (ex-ante/ex-post) Energy use before and after actions Number of energy saving actions Energy saved per action Normalisation factors Gross-to-net adjustments
Measurement Precise Expensive Unitary, system or participant Bottom-up Ex-post only For each system or participant By complementary method No, follows from method For behaviour, temperature E.g. non-compliance
Billing analysis
(alternative method in PSMC 1 – measurement)
Easy Too aggregated Unitary, participant Bottom-up and top-down Ex-post only For each participant By complementary method No, follows from method For behaviour, temperature E.g. free riders (in case of subsidies)
Deemed savings Cheap Imprecise Unitary, mostly system Bottom-up Ex-ante and ex-post No (covered in savings) By complementary method To be estimated No (covered in method) E.g. free riders (in case of subsidies)
Engineering estimate
(alternative method in PSMC 2 – deemed savings)
Fallback methodology: normative – non-residential – engineering [PSMC 3]
Precise Expensive Unitary, complex system Bottom-up Ex-ante and ex-post For each system By complementary method No, follows from method No (method on normalised case) E.g. non-compliance